Our School

Hi everybody!

In our high school come students from different villages around Roquetes since 1996, when it was build. We have been here for five years, and we can say that institute has got many projects.

What is a green school? Well, we must take care the environmental. For do it, the school created the Green project. The classrooms are reviewed by the science teachers who evaluate with marks the state of the class. At the end, the most ecologic class win an outing to the beach.

Moreover, we have a big orchestra which has participated on different music concerts. So, the students who form part of it have travelled a lot.

Our learning centre is equipped with the best technology. Depending of the point of view this can be an advantage or a disadvantage for us. For example, all the classes have a Pc and a digital blackboard, too. The problem is that they sometimes don’t work, but it’s the typical problem for a public school. We stay in a critic situation and our economy is passing a difficult time, and that’s why the institute doesn’t have much money to pay a better material. We must accept what we have. That’s educational and at the same time is different and funny. We didn’t say that this gives better results but, it’s true that make more didactic classes.

In this institute there are a lot of people for another towns, this gives you opportunity to meet guys and make more friends. When you arrive there, you'll see it, we are waiting for you.

See you soon :)

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